Answers close to Nutrition

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작성자 Adolfo
댓글 0건 조회 75회 작성일 24-07-04 17:34


Protein is a supermolecule composed of amino group acids that are crucial for the structure, function, and regularization of the body's tissues and variety meat. Protein synt
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Do soaking fat person acids possess the uttermost issue of hydrogen atoms?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, pure fatso acids feature the level best count of atomic number 1 atoms possible because altogether atomic number 6 atoms are bonded to as many atomic number 1 atoms as they can, with no
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What is the largest intellectual nourishment and aliment fellowship in the humankind?

Asked by Wiki User

Nestlé is the largest food for thought and victuals company in the world, in operation globally with a across-the-board rank of products including beverages, dairy, best-loved care, and confec
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Vitamins and Supplements


Why stool your personify stock a fat-soluble vitamins merely non water soluble vitamins?

Asked by Wiki User

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's adipose tissue tissues, patch water-soluble vitamins are excreted in weewee when in inordinateness since the personify does not depot them.
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Why are fatty tissue or oil-soluble toxins Thomas More severe than water-soluble toxins?

Asked by Wiki User

Fat or oil-soluble toxins are more than unsafe because they lavatory be stored in the body's fat tissues for thirster periods, stellar to protracted vulnerability and potent
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Is the sum of money of Energy Department that food contains calculated in calories?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the add up of vigour that food contains is metrical in calories. When we denote to calories in the linguistic context of food, we are actually referring to kilocalorie
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What type of cabbage is non glucose?

Asked by Wiki User

All dinero that is not glucose is a eccentric of boodle as advantageously. In that location are literally hundreds of dissimilar variations. Hither are barely a few; fructose, lactose, sucrose
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How does dehydration forbid microbes from growth in nutrient?

Asked by Wiki User

Dehydration removes moisture from food, creating an surroundings where microbes cannot thrive because they ask wet to spring up. Without water, bacterium and
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How do you recognize what nutrients are in solid food?

Asked by Wiki User

Nutrient entropy in solid food rear end be constitute on nourishment labels, food for thought databases, or through with specialized software program. These sources put up inside information on the macronutrie
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What is selenosis?

Asked by Wiki User

Selenosis is a status that occurs when in that respect is an surplusage of selenium in the organic structure. Symptoms English hawthorn include tomentum loss, crispness of haircloth and nails, Allium sativum brea
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What nutrients are in basalt?

Asked by Wiki User

Basalt itself does not incorporate nutrients. However, as basalt weathers ended time, it releases all important nutrients wish calcium, magnesium, and tincture elements int
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Conditions and Diseases


Taking vitamin E supplements along with backside reason unmanageable haemorrhage?

Asked by Wiki User

Yes, winning vitamin E supplements along with bloodline thinners equal warfarin backside growth the take chances of uncorrectable hemorrhage owed to their blood-cutting personal effects.
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Vitamins and Supplements


How is fibre vitamins minerals and H2O crucial to the dead body and what are close to examples of foods they are found in?

Asked by Wiki User

Fiber helps with digestion and heart health, vitamins and minerals defend several somatic functions, and water is substance for hydration and holding bodily sys
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Are nutrients animated?

Asked by Wiki User

No, nutrients themselves are not awake. Nutrients are substances that allow nourishment and vigour for keep organisms to survive, grow, and social occasion properl
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Vitamins and Supplements


Why is surplus assiduousness in fat-soluble Thomas More critical than redundant of H2O soluble vitamins?

Asked by Wiki User

Excess immersion of fat-soluble vitamins can buoy lead to toxicity because they are stored in the body's juicy tissues and sack compile all over clip. In contrast, e
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What is Glycine max lecithin 476?

Asked by Wiki User

Soy lecithin (476) is a raw emulsifier derived from soybeans that is unremarkably victimized in solid food manufacturing to better texture, keep ingredients from separa
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What dimension of the fat person tissues of animals makes them a commodity food reference for the bears?

Asked by Wiki User

Fatty tissues put up bears with a richly come of vim in a saturated form, which is substance for their selection during periods of intellectual nourishment scarceness. Bears ha
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What is a Rubble solid food mediterranean diet?

Asked by Wiki User

A rubble food dieting typically consists of foods that are gamy in calories, sugar, unhealthful fats, and Sir David Low in nutrients. This case of diet often includes items such
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What lipids supply the trunk with its main get-up-and-go reservations?

Asked by Wiki User

Triglycerides are the briny shape of lipids that supply the personify with muscularity reserves. They are stored in adipose weave and seat be busted low into fatso acids
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Is glucose volatile or nonvolatile?

Asked by Wiki User

Glucose is nonvolatile because it does non easily vaporize at board temperature and press. It corpse in the melted physique unless heated to a gamey temperature w
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What is Thiamine made of?

Asked by Wiki User

Thiamine, too known as Vitamin B1, is a water-soluble vitamin that is made up of a pyrimidine echo and a thiazole band associated by a methylene group bridgework. It is a
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Do teatime bags turn back whatever rude or added wampum?

Asked by LucyHarch

Tea bags typically do non hold whatever born or added lucre. This is peculiarly true for virtuous teas like green, black, white, or flavoring teas. However, flavored
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What is the difference of opinion 'tween world heathland nourishment and clinical victuals?

Asked by Wiki User

Public wellness victuals focuses on promoting levelheaded feeding habits and preventing disease on a universe level, done strategies the likes of residential area Education and
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What is favourite specimen for glucose psychoanalysis?

Asked by Wiki User

For glucose analysis, the preferable specimen is typically bloodline. This could be massed either from a nervure (venous blood) or a fingertip bastard (hairlike blood
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What the wellness benefits of eating kale?

Asked by Wiki User

Cabbage is a upright germ of fiber, vitamins C and K, and antioxidants that facilitate digest a level-headed resistant organisation and cut down lighting. It can as well assist digesti
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