What is Yoga - Politics

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작성자 Cassie Wortham
댓글 0건 조회 22회 작성일 24-10-09 13:11



The Sanskrit term 'Yuj' means to Unite/Integrate a persons own consciousness with the universal consciousness. Awareness is not the private property of things or bodies, persons or beings. Instead it allows us to conjoin our consciousness with that infinite and universal awareness which IS God - an awareness of which our own being and all beings are a unique portion and expression. Yet for this to possibility to be realized, the renewal of Hinduism must take the form of a new non-ethnic, non-violent and internationalist world-view - rather than being restricted to an aggressive form of narrow, ethnic Hindu nationalism confined to India itself - thus continuing to degrade ‘yoga’ to the status of a commercialized global industry and ‘spiritual’ export. Within the context of the so-called ‘clash of civilizations’ - in reality the clash of reactionary Christian fundamentalism and global military and economic imperialism with reactionary political Islamism - a renewal of this, the inner truth of what is called ‘Hinduism’, could play a vital role in bringing about a global revolution in awareness.

Through it, our ‘being in time’ is reduced to ‘going from one thing to another’ and ‘doing one thing after another’ - in other words passing from one focus of awareness to another without any meditative intervals or ‘intermezzos’ in which to regather ourselves, recollect events in the context of our lives as a whole and allow new reflections and insights to arise from our awareness - thus allowing us to decide, with awareness, what we do next and how. One of the key benefits of mindfulness meditation is its ability to reduce stress. This mindfulness leads to many benefits not found from other forms of exercise. 50. What do you do for chest, shoulder exercise? Global capitalism demands that people be kept busy and active in a wholly unaware way - forcing them to sell their labour time as a commodity to the highest corporate bidder in order to produce and purchase ever-more profitable but mind-numbing technological products and services. The new relation to time that human beings so desperately need at this time is one in which they freely allow themselves more time, not just to produce or consume, work or play - but be aware. "In robbing us of time, today’s culture also robs us of dignity.

Today’s world faces a grave economic, ecological, cultural crisis - indeed a global civilisational crisis. The basic need expressed in this crisis however, is to find a way of ‘being-in-time’ and ‘being-in-the-world’ that is no longer dominated by ‘busy-ness’ - by doing - and aimed only at having what we need to survive, or more. That is why the military, economic and ecological crisis and devastation wrought by global capitalism tells us one thing alone - it is high time for humanity to Be Aware. It is a complete practice which focusses on the main Yoga poses, one of the most important of which, for Sri Dharma Mittra, is the king of the poses, Sirsasana - headstand. This is why Patanjali’s answer to the question What is Yoga? That is also why The New Yoga of Awareness is not about stretching our bodies in space or holding them in particular positions for long times.

This is a world that can come about only by educating and empowering individuals - in whatever personal, relational, institutional, corporate or political contexts they live and work in - to expand, deepen and enrich the awareness they bring to themselves and others, to their work and to the world. That is why, when we speak of having ‘no space’ or ‘no time’ for something or someone, or of wanting more ‘space’ or ‘time’ for ourselves or others, we mean the same thing. For others, the purpose of yoga is knowing how to get a good stretch after a run, or finding relief from negative thoughts and feelings with meditation, or any number of things. We can identify with pure awareness by identifying with the space around and within our bodies, around and within things and around and within our thoughts and feelings. For The NEW Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness in another sense too - recognising awareness as the ultimate reality behind all things and thoughts, all things and all worlds - for it is the very condition for our experience of any thing or thought, self or being, world or universe whatsoever.


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